Saturday, April 27, 2013

Subscribers, video views, etc...

Okay..first of all..hi!! Sorry I haven't been on as much as usual. I try to go on as much as possible but sometimes there is just no time between school and dance. I haven't been uploading videos because I haven't really had a lot of time to make/edit videos.

Okay, lets talk subscribers. I have lost so many subscribers these past few months it's crazy. At one point I had 682 and now it is 674. I looked at the count and it said I had only gained 1 subscriber in the past month because I have lost that many. I know I might not make videos that often but I don't understand why people unsub honestly. Also, I don't do sub for sub because I feel like there is no point to that. If I like your videos a lot then I will sub but I can't do sub for sub.

Now lets talk video views. No one seems to watch my videos anymore and it's kind of disappointing. I have over 650 subscribers and my newest video has only 67 views and 5 comments. I used to get a lot more views and comments. I know people are busy as am I but that is a big difference to what I was used to getting. Not that I'm complaining, just wondering why.

Sorry for the random rant..I'm just a bit annoyed.


ps...If you read this then comment hey or something!! Thanks for reading this :) It's really appreciate it!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Whew!! It's been a while (updates)

Hey guys, long time no blogging!! I've been super busy! I've been dancing for 13-14 hrs a week!! Yeah, I'm a competitive dancer if you didn't know that! That's why I couldn't get that many videos up lately. I've also had homework on top of that. My routine was pretty much go to school, go to dance, come home and eat supper, go to dance, come home and do homework, take a shower, and go to bed. Yeah...busy busy busy. Then about every other weekend I had a dance competition so that limited my weekends. Plus if I was ever doing anything else on the weekend (which happens a lot) I would have no time to make videos. So yeah..watching dance moms right now XD My life is pretty much all about dance, I know. Hope to be on more in the future. Oh, thanks for 600!! k, bye :)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Dolloween!

Hi!! I'm not sure how many people actually read my blog but's another post! So it's Halloween today and I finally did my Halloween vid!! (actually it was not what I was planning on doing but I've been really really busy so a ps seemed like the fastest thing that would still probably turn out nicely). Anyway, how is everyone doing?? I super duper busy with dance..I might put a schedule out on here (this blog) in a little while! Well thanks for stopping by!


ps. Happy Halloween!! :)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I had high school orientation today (I know, high school). It went okay I guess. I feel like I was away from you guys so long (even though it was only like a day). I am so busy from now until school starts and I am feel like I'm not going to be on as much as I used to be. I seem to be busy and I'm really missing being on youtube like 24/7. Once school starts that will be a whole other story. I will have dance 3 weekdays (possibly more once the school dance team season starts) plus religion on another day and homework. Then busy weekends. I feel like I am not going to be as in touch with new videos and stuff and I feel like I'm going to be missing lots of important information from people. Idk...I loved being on youtube all of the time and I'm definately going to miss a lot of amazing videos. I'm not leaving (I will still be on my phone in my little bit of free time and on the computer when I get a chance) but if you see a lot less videos/comments, you know why. Anyway...I hope everyone had an awesome day!!!


Saturday, August 18, 2012

Hey!!! It's MRTMRTROX and I just created a blog!! Here you will find posts about my life, ag stuff, and updates on new videos and more!! I will hopefully do new posts at least once a week (hopefully)!!