Saturday, April 27, 2013

Subscribers, video views, etc...

Okay..first of all..hi!! Sorry I haven't been on as much as usual. I try to go on as much as possible but sometimes there is just no time between school and dance. I haven't been uploading videos because I haven't really had a lot of time to make/edit videos.

Okay, lets talk subscribers. I have lost so many subscribers these past few months it's crazy. At one point I had 682 and now it is 674. I looked at the count and it said I had only gained 1 subscriber in the past month because I have lost that many. I know I might not make videos that often but I don't understand why people unsub honestly. Also, I don't do sub for sub because I feel like there is no point to that. If I like your videos a lot then I will sub but I can't do sub for sub.

Now lets talk video views. No one seems to watch my videos anymore and it's kind of disappointing. I have over 650 subscribers and my newest video has only 67 views and 5 comments. I used to get a lot more views and comments. I know people are busy as am I but that is a big difference to what I was used to getting. Not that I'm complaining, just wondering why.

Sorry for the random rant..I'm just a bit annoyed.


ps...If you read this then comment hey or something!! Thanks for reading this :) It's really appreciate it!


  1. Hi can you link your youtube here? Here is my blog:

  2. And how are you doing with your YouTube channel
