Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Whew!! It's been a while (updates)

Hey guys, long time no blogging!! I've been super busy! I've been dancing for 13-14 hrs a week!! Yeah, I'm a competitive dancer if you didn't know that! That's why I couldn't get that many videos up lately. I've also had homework on top of that. My routine was pretty much go to school, go to dance, come home and eat supper, go to dance, come home and do homework, take a shower, and go to bed. Yeah...busy busy busy. Then about every other weekend I had a dance competition so that limited my weekends. Plus if I was ever doing anything else on the weekend (which happens a lot) I would have no time to make videos. So yeah..watching dance moms right now XD My life is pretty much all about dance, I know. Hope to be on more in the future. Oh, thanks for 600!! k, bye :)